Category Archives: Computers

Man this is nerdy… but so awesome

Further proof that the nintendo wii will one day take over the known universe.  Also, further proof that I’m a dork (and so’s this guy).  But serious, how cool is this?!?

4th greatest day of my life

I am, even as I type, using my brand new 42″ LCD television as my monitor for my computer. Behind the day my two sons were born and the day I was married, today has been the 4th greatest day of my life. Behold:


Sorry for the photo quality but it was late and I didn’t feel like busting out the real camera, so you got a cell phone pic. But thar she is. Ain’t she a beaut?

I’m still working on tuning things up and there are several kinks to work out (like I think I busted my subwoofer during all the shuffling). But man… I love this TV. Having a computer monitor this big rules. RULES!!!!


So, after a few days of the new site layout and colors, the general consensus seems to be that my taste tends toward the glaring, dull, and feminine.  Great.

I really like the new layout (3 columns, more widgets and such in sidebars, etc), which means that I have to keep this theme.  However, I’m not crazy about the color scheme either, so I might fiddle around with that some.  I’m going to have to learn some CSS and tweak it, but hey, that’s what computer nerds are for, right?  As a result there might be times when you visit and things might look weird and/or be unusable (like white text on a white background or something).  Consider yourself warned.

Also, thanks for all the great feedback.


Update on the Updated Update

So, I’ve tweaked things yet again.  Now, the main web address takes you to a “welcome” page, which has a big ole picture of me and the fam.  Hopefully some of you folks will find it more interesting that way.  I may work some more content into the welcome page as time goes by.  From there, you can link to the blog, which will work more like you’re used to.

Do you guys like the new look w/ the welcome page or is it too much hassle?  Would you rather I just stick with the “giant column of text” approach?

Site Overhaul

Hey Guys:

As you might have noticed, I’ve given the website a pretty serious overhaul.  There are two significant facets of the change:

1) A new color scheme

2) 2 sidebars (left and right) with some new widgets for you guys to use.

So, what do you think?  Do you like the new colors?  The widgets?  Is it too much? Does everything make sense?  I’ve asked two people about it so far and my feedback thus far is:

“I prefer dark sites, they make me squint less.”


“It is kinda boring.”

So, what do the rest of you yahoos think?  Lemme hear about it in the comments.

You wanna know why WordPress…

You wanna know why WordPress is so much better than My Space? It’s because right now I’m blogging from my cell phone, and I’m not doing it by typing anything, I’m literally talking into my cell phone and this service called Jott is sending it to my blogs so that you guys can read it immediately. How cool is that.  Oh, also, be sure to read my earlier blog for a more traditional story time.  listen

Powered by Jott

Out with the old, in with the new

I am going to be switching over to Flickr for most of my photo hosting needs.  In truth, I’ve been using it for a couple of months now, and it works well.  All of the photos will be public, so you guys can go check them out if you like.  However, this means that the old “Chitwood picture server” is gonna get nuked.  That link will be replaced with a link to our Flickr account.

I think you will find that you’ll like it much better.  Flickr will be thumbnailed, so it will be friendly to those of you with slower internet connections and it will allow tag searching, so you can find different pictures easily (assuming I’m good about tagging them).  So, hit the link over on the right and go explore the Flickr account and let me know what you think.  I will try to organize it better sometime soon.  I can change some things about it or explain things in more depth if something is confusing.  Let me hear it in the comments.

Just an FYI

I am upgrading my computer at home.  As such, the picture server may see some outages over the next few days.  I hope everything will go smoothly, but I wanted to give you guys a heads up.  This blog website should remain unaffected.

Netvibes: Who Did It??

I noticed today that someone was visiting the site by hitting a link on their netvibes page.  Yay!  Congratulations!  Maybe I can make a difference in the world!

But really.. I was curious.. which one of you yahoos managed to pull off my netvibes walkthrough?  How do you like it so far?  Whoever it was gets a special prize, but I need to know who to reward it to.

To vista or not to vista, that is the question

Recently (as in today), we received a nice little laptop that we bought.  The primary idea behind it is that we are both tired of having to switch to windows to use remote desktop to access our work PCs (and Mandy always complains about “my computer”).  So, I found a great deal on  on a refurb gateway laptop.

It just so happens this little laptop comes with Vista.

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